What are the causes of dementia? Neurodegenerative diseases Stroke and vascular dementia Brain infections and inflammation Traumatic brain injuries Toxicity and substance abuse Gen
How do you manage Dementia symptoms? Establish a routine Have regular checkups with your doctor Promote a healthy diet and hydration Focus on emotional well-being Foster social con
How can you avoid Alzheimer’s Disease? Adhere to a healthy diet Have an exercise routine Restrict harmful alcohol consumption Quit smoking Have a good sleep Spend more time with
What are the best teas for improving focus? Bacopa Monnieri tea Lion’s Mane tea Spearmin
What food do I eat for better memory? Cruciferous vegetables Berries Fatty fish Herbal tea
What are some tips to maintain a healthy brain for older adults? Keep your heart healthy
What are the best teas to drink while studying? Bacopa Monnieri tea Matcha Sage tea Ginsen
What are causes for poor memory at a young age? Lack of mental stimulation Poor sleep Cert
How does stress affect your brain? Changes the chemicals in your brain Modifies brain stru