Our brains are like computers. We need lots of processing power to take in new information and memories. However, stress, anxiety, and underlying cognitive problems are programs that run secretly in the background and use up tons of memory — making our brain run more slowly than usual.
When this happens, we call it “brain fog,” which is a condition that makes it hard to get things done. It may even contribute to physical symptoms like uneasiness and fatigue. If this is something you struggle with, and you want to know how to fix your brain fog, read on.
Brain Fog syndrome is Brain fog is marked by forgetfulness and a lack of focus and mental clarity. If you have this issue, you may feel confused and a bit slow at work or school.
This can be caused by many things. On a cellular level, it is believed that changes in hormones, inflammation and nutrition can affect your mood, energy, and focus. An imbalance in your brain can cause the whole system to be thrown off — including your ability to think quickly and clearly.
If this sounds like something you’re dealing with currently, here are some quick and easy tips for lifting the fog.
Identifying the root cause of your brain fog is the first step to addressing the problem effectively.
Brain fog can come from many sources, but the most common one is stress. Temporary but significant sources of stress — such as starting a new job, academic finals, and other events — can make you mentally fatigued. This could be the cause of your brain fog.
Other times, you may have a harder time recognizing what’s affecting you. If you can’t pinpoint it, try thinking back to when your brain fog started. Was it when you started going to bed late? When you started a new semester at school? Or is it from another event? Once you’ve identified the source of your brain fog, you can make the appropriate adjustments, such as:
Sleep is a huge factor in your brain health. Being deprived of good, restorative sleep can make it very difficult to think and process information. While missing a night or two of good sleep won’t have a serious or long-lasting impact on your brain, chronically undersleeping will result in consequences.
Daytime sleepiness, irritability, and — you guessed it — impaired cognitive function (such as concentration difficulties) are common signs that you’re lacking sleep. If this is something you’re experiencing, be mindful of your sleeping habits, and make adjustments to your routine to get more sleep.
Along with sleep, proper nutrition is the foundation of your overall health. Your brain needs a host of essential nutrients to work properly. From these, certain deficiencies are more likely to cause brain fog. Here are three of them:
When you sip on a hot cup of tea, you’re taking in caffeine — this stimulant can get your neurons firing in no time. But why tea instead of coffee? Unlike coffee, tea is less likely to cause a caffeine crash afterward, as they have more moderate levels of this stimulant.
That being said, some teas are more effective for stimulating your brain than others. Bacopa Monnieri tea in particular is an excellent choice when you’re experiencing brain fog. This is because it contains a powerful bio compound called bacosides, which are key in improving your brain’s memory retention, attentiveness, and response time.
Bacopa Monnieri tea achieves this by supporting three key brain functions: long-term and short-term recall, and information retention capacity. Bacopa Monnieri tea also provides stimulation and nutrition for new brain cell production, which boosts your learning and memory capacity.
If the cause of your brain fog is stress, then take preventative measures. While stress is a normal part of life (and can definitely increase when you become busier than normal) it does not have to be a detriment to your health.
If you have so many responsibilities to take care of, it may seem counterproductive to take time off to relax and enjoy your hobbies. But, if you don’t you’ll just keep piling up stress, and your brain fog may get worse.
Setting aside just 30 minutes each day can make all the difference. Try activities like:
These simple things can give your brain a chance to destress and recharge, and help with your brain fog. Some physical activity a few times a day can also provide cognitive benefits.
This is because exercise increases the flow of blood to your brain, which promotes better cognitive function. A quick walk around your street — or even just around your home — can do the job.
The answer to the question “how to fix brain fog?” is simple — sometimes all you need is a few lifestyle changes to improve your brain health. In time, you’ll have a brain-healthy routine without your previous problems of fuzzy thinking, lack of focus, and confusion. Be proactive about your brain fog and make these easy lifestyle changes today! Contact us or click here for our products.
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